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The bean story


From navy beans to coffee beans, cocoa beans and vanilla beans, moving from the East to West, traversing North and South we are entering into sacred zones of international trade and commerce, reaching across land and sea with no borders exercising our sovereignty, on the way to genuine peace and harmony. Traveling south to Mexico, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad established a solid base of friendship with our neighbors and family members, forging a new unity of the Black, the Brown, and the Red in the Western Hemisphere. 

Mxodus™ derives its inspiration from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s Program which promotes Universal Friendship in All Walks of Life.

In keeping with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s guidelines for Self Improvement, the Basis of Community Development, the Exodus Program was initiated in 1997 to further develop this theme and outreach to the greater society, we began introducing our own products to further economic development and enter into international trade and commerce.

Beginning in the year 2004 and continuing into 2005, the initial stages of contact for this product was made through a Mexican representative who was independently inspired to study everything about the production of the coffee bean as a way to bring benefits to some of the impoverished people living in the towns and villages of Chiapas. 

Under the fair Trade Agreement, we would open a fully integrated program of cultural exchange making our partnership and joint venture exceedingly successful bringing to both peoples great benefits including luxury, money, good homes, and friendship in all walks of life.   A few brothers and sisters representing our communities of the Black, Red, and Brown joined forces in the initial expedition to Mexico to investigate and research the potential for this exchange based upon the Divine Teachings and Program of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to establish Unity and Universal Peace.

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