Our coffees
Grown and harvested in the Highlands of Chiapas, our premium Wood Roasted Estate coffee is 100% organic.

from the mountains of guatemala
Our Guatemalan coffee is organically grown under the shaded trees of the volcanic mountain region surrounding Lake Atitlan.
the bean story
From navy beans to coffee beans, cocoa beans and vanilla beans, moving from the the East to the West, traversing North and South, we are entering into sacred zones of international trade and commerce, reaching across land and sea with no borders exercising our sovereignty, on the way to genuine peace and harmony. Traveling south to Mexico, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad established a solid base of friendship with our neighbors and family members, forging a new unity of the Black, the Brown, and the Red in the Western Hemisphere.
Mxodus™ derives its inspiration from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s Program which promotes Universal Friendship in All Walks of Life.